Deep Vein Thrombosis Detection

WBC (White Blood Cell) or Leukocyte Scan

Indium 111 has many uses in the nuclear medicine field to help diagnose areas for treatment. The following is a list of the different applications of Indium-111:
This scan is used to find areas of infection. In this procedure, first the blood is drawn from the patient. The white blood cells are then separated out and tagged with Indium-111-oxine. Once this is complete (2-3 hours), the tagged white blood cells are to be injected back into the patient. A 1-2 hour whole body scan is performed within 6-24 hours after re-injection in order to see the areas of inflammation. (1)
The octreotide scans are used in detecting tumors of neuroendocrine origin and tumors originating from the adrenal gland.
In this scan, the patient is injected with In-111-pentetreotide which is followed by three separate scans. The first scan will occur 4-6 hours after injection. This will consist of a whole body scan and SPECT scans. 48 hours after initial injection, the patient will come back for the same scans. The final scan will be done 72 hours after injection and will consist only of the whole body scan. (3)

Octreotide Scan
What are the uses of Indium-111?
For early detection of deep vein thrombosis, platelets are tagged with Indium-111-oxine. The Indium is attracted to the aggravated clotted vein and the attraction is seen on the whole body scan much like in the WBC Scan. (2)